
fucked up dreams

so, last night, i had 2 fucked up dreams.

the first was the worst... but what perplexed me was that both dreams were about water.

lots and lots of water. huge waves. just general scariness... what the fuck do they all mean?

the first dream was so bad that i woke up yelling something... steve had to wake me up... and i had to comfort myself by petting the bunny. hehe... (part of the dream had to do with the bunny getting washed out to sea or something)....

the second dream was just about water levels rising higher and higher...

my mom was in both dreams... like i didn't have enough of my mom during this trip... she's gotta show up in my dreams, too...

anyway, i'm scared of water. i hate it... and those dreams still scare me now... when i'm awake... what the fuck do they mean??? god... maybe nothing... i don't know what i was thinking about before i was dreaming, though...


Blogger Kis Lee said...

FINALLY! persistence does pay off!!

anyway welcome back to civilization! glad you were able to survived your rough trip. the bathroom story cracked me up. what is up with people coming to the stall right next to you? i hate when that happens.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Jammie J. said...

Water dreams are bad omens. Be careful.


12:26 PM  
Blogger grace said...

le: yeah. i hate that shit. *sigh*

jeanette: yeah... i saw that... you think that's bad? check the one about waves... i NEED HELP! ARGH!

12:41 PM  
Blogger Twisted Lady said...

Water dreams are not always bad. It depends on if the water is clear or murky...

4:33 PM  

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