
it's official!

i had my very first nervous breakdown at work! well, not really my first... and it wasn't so much a nervous breakdown as it was me blubbering and crying.


that's just embarrassing. and mortifying. and humiliating.

i just couldn't help it. i went to talk to the lady in HR and i couldn't stop! and then my boss comes by and tries to make me feel better... and i just lost it. all i hear is, "are you crying?"

and then he scurries off to his admin so she can tell me to go back to the dr and demand a referral.

i can't believe i cried ... in public.

stupid tears. stupid back. stupid me...

okay. i'm out.


Blogger cat said...

oh, grace!! ***HUGS***

i have been there, done that and had 6 weeks sedation for it. it's not fun.

however, last night i played karaoke revolution for you! i sucked! i never suck at singing. gosh darn! i learned that i don't even KNOW the words to half of those songs. what the hell were people like liz phar and hillary duff THINKING when they recorded those songs? did they even READ the words?? at one point in *why can't i* i sang the lyric and then went what the fuck? what the hell was that!! and ended up getting 2 lousy scors and some boos. oops. but still!

i'm totally sorrow. just think of me as sorrow fudging up the words to britney spears songs and smile, ok? :)

11:38 AM  
Blogger Kis Lee said...

ackkk! that sucks. hope they hook you up with a *real* doctor this time. fucking hacks.

feel better soon!

1:02 PM  
Blogger Jammie J. said...

Ohhh honey. I'm so sorry. (Big Hug) I know how you always want to be strong and you are. You are one of the most compassionate, giving people I know. But sometimes it builds and builds, you get frustrated and then things get overwhelming and I'm guessing that's what happened.

You've been dealing with this crap for months now. I remember when I first started reading you (god, was there really a first time?) you were complaining of neck/shoulder pain.

You WILL get to the bottom of this. I promise you. It will get better, eventually.

2:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ack.. my poor grace!! *hug* those bastards.. i hope that you get some time off.. you really need it.

and it's too bad that it had to come down to you crying for anyone to notice. bastards.


3:45 PM  
Blogger Rarry said...

:( Poor Grace... I wonder if workers compensation covers nervous breakdowns. If so you take the money and stay at home playing video games for as long as possible

5:17 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Poor Grace! I hope things get better for you soon...

I have never played Karaoke Revolution, but today I am going to go to Belfast, so I promise to stand outside the City Hall and sing something suitably embarrassing in your honour.

Something like "Oops, I did it Again", how about that...?

11:28 PM  
Blogger Cece Martinez said...

It's okay Grace. I know its very frustrating. Chiropractors are good. But its not a one time thing. You have to go like every other day for a month or two. Remember my Bonecracker? He compared it to getting braces on your teeth. It takes a while to get everything straightened out because your muscles tend to pull everything back to where it was before. And more so when your muscles are all tense. But it feels AWESOME. That plus the massages...were totally yummy.

6:02 AM  
Blogger peachy said...

That bites Grace, but like Jeannette said, everything just came crashing down on you even though you tried holding it up. It's ok to cry, and if it happens in public, so be it. I hope you find the help you need from you bosses and doctors. I'm sure it's miserable, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Things will be just fine. Relax and take deep breaths. *hugs*

7:09 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

Shit, hon! You need a break. I feel for you. Wish there was something I could do.

And (if the blogging isn't enough proof) know that you are not alone.

7:29 PM  

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