
fucking wastes of time, air, space: people at work driving me fucking insane...

why can't i just walk through the fucking halls between cubes without having to say hello to people. is there some sort of unwritten corporate code that states we have to be all fake and smiley and friendly with the people who we just happen to share breathing air? i have nothing in common with these people. why do i have to be nice, anyway? i don't want to spend time with these people going to happy hours and seeing them on weekends. if i run into someone at target or something after work, i very quickly turn and walk the other way. they should extend that same courtesy to me.

i walked past a couple of guys and they were all fucking chipper: "hi, grace!" i really didn't feel like saying hi, so i didn't. i looked in their general direction and gave the quick dude nod... i don't normally do this because i think it's stupid, but i did because i didn't feel like smiling at these fuckups. "someone's unfriendly today... give us a pretty smile, grace!" i just kept on walking... and then i heard them whisper something about pmsing.

why can't i just be a fucking bitch without having it covered up by some excuse like pms? i can be moody whenever the fuck i wanna be. that's my god-given right as a woman. if i don't feel like saying hi to you, i don't have to. and if i do, then it's your fucking lucky day, isn't it? maybe they should take a hint and just NOT say hi to me. there's NO reason to talk to me about what i did this past weekend or if steve and i are planning on having kids... it's NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. could i make it any more clear?

i hate people so much i took the extra chair out of my cube so they couldn't sit and chat. as soon as i'm done ranting, i'm taking down all pics in my cubes so they can stop using them as conversation pieces. it's not that i have a lot of friends or anything, we could all use friends. i just don't want them as my friends. i'd rather have no friends than have these stupid work people as my friends.


Blogger Unknown said...

there's the skanky biatch that love and know so well.. :P

i think it's the same everywhere.. there are some people here that i don't care for but i give them the cute little "hi! how are you!" you'd think i was their bestfriend. if i don't.. there's no doubt that rumors will fly around about me. and nothing about pmsing..

2:11 PM  
Blogger grace said...

fuck team. sure there's no "I" in team... there's no "we" or "us," either.

9:43 AM  

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