

i have this little dinosaur puppet at home... he's a t-rex. we call him rex. anyway, i'm kinda partial to t-rexes... he's got this little sound thingie in his head and when you squeeze his head, he roars 3 times... it's kinda cool.

then i started wondering...

how do other religions explain the rise and fall of the dinosaur? the SDAs are kinda crazy, and i think some of them think that the people in noah's time were very scientifically advanced and they did some genetic experiments and that's where the dinos came from... and then god flooded the whole earth to get rid of the scourge of the earth. and that would explain why carbon dating claims the world is millions and millions of years old when the bible claims that the world is only 6000 (give or take a thousand years). that doesn't explain why the fastest dinos wouldn't have their bones only in the mountains... or do they think that the flood messed everything up? i dunno...

so, anyone have any other crazy religious explanations? just curious.


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