
i feel old...

i can't believe that it's already august. where does the time go? before ya know it it'll be winter again. i feel like every time i blink another day goes by.

and i'm in a bad mood today. we have to take our bunny to get spayed tomorrow and i really, really, really don't wanna do it :( :( :( *sigh* i have to quit taking out my bad mood out on steve :( i did it again this morning :(

and i'm annoyed with this new terror alert. the repubs are gonna play it up as much as possible and then say it was due to w's hard work and dedication that we thwarted another enemy attack. greeeat. that's another 4 years for him. *sigh* i mean, i'm not saying that the information they got was fake or that they were holding onto it until it was most advantageous... well, maybe they were. hehe... but, i know what's going to happen in november. and it makes me really sad. also, teresa would've been a kickass first lady to have. even better than hillary. oh well. i'll still keep my fingers crossed, though.


Blogger Unknown said...

i finally registered to vote, and i'm praying to god (and i don't do that all the time) that come november we'll have a new president.

i'll cross my toes too. :P

11:46 AM  
Blogger grace said...

too bad our state doesn't really count. maybe i need to move somewhere my vote counts. hehehe

1:25 PM  
Blogger grace said...

i'm not feeling too hopeful about kerry, either. but it doesn't hurt to hope. i feel you on that too many stupid people comment... *sigh*

on another note, bunny's okay. i just got a call from the vet. i'm going to leave in 25 mins to pick her up. poor baby...

and another... i have lots of comments cuz my friend jules reads my blog. hehehe... how'd you find my blog, anyway? :D not that i'm complaining... i'm a narcissist :P hehehe...

2:23 PM  

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